The Rocla PermaTrak concrete boardwalk system was installed at an urban park in Carinbah to protect trees from root damage.
The project was initiated by the Sutherland Shire Council, south of Sydney, primarily to minimise damage to the exposed roots of mature trees in the park. While the trees provided a pleasant shaded area, they were at risk of root damage from a conventional concrete pavement.
The steel-reinforced concrete treads and bearers of the PermaTrak boardwalk system are supported on small concrete stumps that can be spaced at two-metre or three-metre intervals to suit site restrictions.
The council's construction contractors assembled the system without a problem although they were using the product for the first time.
Mike Walker, the council landscape architect, designed the installation.
According to Mike, though the PermaTrak system was specified as a practical solution for the tree roots, they also found the boardwalk enhanced the park environment.
Seating platforms were also created, branching from the sides of the boardwalk, to provide an opportunity for passers-by to sit in the shade of the trees and enjoy the environment.