Other tips and tricks

In the days of increasing dependence on electronic media, and the resulting weariness in seeing flat screens and images, people are appreciating more than ever, the views of what is around them that are three-dimensional and obviously real, as opposed to virtual.

This appreciation of what is real may include going to a shopping centre and seeing items to purchase in real life instead of online shopping, to meeting people face-to-face instead of through social media, to going for a walk in a park and seeing trees, flowers and grass.

Architects have realised these trends in interior design and accordingly, are developing more and more designs with substantial depth to them. This shows itself mostly in respect of ceiling decoration, where a high ceiling or double height space gives plenty of space for expression in this area.

Supawood has developed products to assist architects in forming this three-dimensional landscape, for both interior and exterior surfaces.

CFJ Goodstart Adelaide

What other ways can Supawood help to create a sense of depth or 3D?

Creating depth by using floating ceilings





Creating depth by using curves



Creating depth by using bulkheads and returns



Combining different products to create more depth




We would love to help you with your next project. If you have a challenge right now that you would like us to help you with, please contact us here.

Top image: Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College