Building product manufacturers, architects, designers, engineers, builders and other specialists have a legal obligation to ensure that the products and systems chosen for their project meet full compliance with the NCC. In particular, manufacturers should clearly outline where a product can or cannot be used and provide the necessary appropriate compliance and conformance information, including any limitations for each product that is available for sale within the building industry.

This requirement has become more stringently enforced since May 1, 2019 as a result of a public outcry over building failures within the multi-residential sector. Building Commissioners within the States and Territories have been mandated with this task.

Because Design and Engineering professionals are specifying materials, they are seen as first in the pecking order in terms of their requirement to satisfy themselves that the chosen products are fit for purpose. Next in line are the builders, tradespersons, building surveyors and certifiers.

All Design and Building professionals should be aware of the following definitions outlined by the Government when making their selections:

  • A Building product is any material or other thing associated with, or that could be associated with a building. Building products can take the form of materials, systems, and forms of construction.
  • A Non-conforming building product is a product or material that claims to be something it is not; does not meet required standards for its intended use; or is marked and supplied with the intent to deceive those who use it.
  • A Non-complying building product is a product that is used in a situation where it does not comply with legislative and regulatory requirements such as the NCC.

In simple terms, non-conforming building products are ‘bad products’ that should be avoided at all costs. A non-complying building product has been ‘used badly’.

How to find the reports on our website:

Step 1: Open the SUPAWOOD website:

Step 2: Hover over the Menu bar item ‘Resources’ and click ‘Fire Hazard Properties’

Step 3: Scroll down the page until you reach the table of options titled: ‘Download SUPAWOOD product compliance reports’