SUPAWOOD acoustic panels for libraries ensure whatever the noise, it is absorbed to create a quiet environment. After all, libraries are places for reading, studying and thinking – not for noise. SUPAWOOD acoustic panels are available from Supawood Architectural Lining Systems .

Supacoustic prefinished wall or ceiling acoustic panels offer an effective sound absorption solution for libraries and other applications designed by both architects and acoustic consultants.

SUPAWOOD acoustic panels can be custom manufactured for libraries, or if there are budget constraints then standard modular kits of prefinished panels are available for both new build and retrofit.

An affordable range of SUPAWOOD acoustic panels has been developed for the current Government BER school initiative, including separate floating acoustic panels, flush ceiling acoustic panels for T-bar grids, and a basic acoustic panel system for lining broad areas of ceilings or walls.

Whatever the acoustic requirement, SUPAWOOD can make available test results to assist acoustic consultants in calculating the correct specifications.

SUPAWOOD acoustic panels provide a cost effective solution to unwanted noise in libraries.