Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 221) - Amanda York from Grimshaw on design authenticity & designing specifically for place Listen Now
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    Week 11/23 Indigenous dollars / Architect misuse / NSW housing policies / Banana acronym / pre-fab Bookends
    Week 11/23 Indigenous dollars / Architect misuse / NSW housing policies / Banana acronym / pre-fab Bookends

    Some good news from the Reserve Bank of Australia - that’s not a thing you hear a lot. King Charles will not replace Queen Elizabeth II on the fiver; instead, indigenous motifs will be incorporated.

    Darwin shows it’s time to design our IT around smart spaces
    Darwin shows it’s time to design our IT around smart spaces

    Smart connectivity has been used for years to monitor how people move and exist in a city, campus, or office building. But accelerated adoption of these devices has sparked a debate about the potential benefits and drawbacks, and how to guarantee the security of data and essential infrastructure.

    Machine learning can help better predict city gentrification
    Machine learning can help better predict city gentrification

    A new machine learning prototype developed by UNSW researchers can help mitigate the harms of gentrification.

    The changing apartment landscape in Australia
    The changing apartment landscape in Australia

    Australia’s relationship with apartment living has indeed changed over the past 20 years. From what was once seen as something quite transient, or an investment perhaps, the multi-residential sector offers more options now for a wider set of demographics, says David Brooks, associate director with Carr Design Group.

    The rise of human-centred office spaces in the 'burbs
    The rise of human-centred office spaces in the 'burbs

    The suburbs have an important role to play in the post-pandemic workplace environment, with these areas poised to become prime business locations delivering unique advantages over the CBD.

    Leveraging Sydney Central Station in the over-rail precinct
    Leveraging Sydney Central Station in the over-rail precinct

    Minister for Cities Rob Stokes has announced that Sydney Central is to be re-vamped, with glass roof-lights to the Grand Concourse, pop-up retail, hospitality and events, and landscaping and outdoor furniture.

    HDR’s 7 megatrends that will define city-shaping in 2023
    HDR’s 7 megatrends that will define city-shaping in 2023

    A new era of sustainability for the architecture sector is upon us, one that looks towards truly regenerative design and reconnects humans and nature through the continuous renewal of evolving socio-ecological systems.

    2023 lookahead – 10 top trends you can adopt to revamp your home over the holidays and into the New Year
    2023 lookahead – 10 top trends you can adopt to revamp your home over the holidays and into the New Year

    Chiara Portesi, Porter Davis Homes’ Interior Designer, has supplied homeowners with a few trends to adopt to freshen up residential internal spaces for 2023. Chrome is back, biophilia is big and curves are key.

    The unifying power of design: Bridging the gap between offline and online learning
    The unifying power of design: Bridging the gap between offline and online learning

    A look back at the university sector, over the past decade or so, reveals a dynamic and agile landscape. The introduction of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) provided an alternative to ‘traditional’ bricks-and-mortar campuses.

    Raising the design EQ with Marina Carroll
    Raising the design EQ with Marina Carroll

    The complexities of modern education projects demand we leave our biases behind and open our ears to those on the edges of the process. We hear from Architectus’ National Education Sector Leader, Marina Carroll.

    Tone Wheeler on architectural science and why form must follow forces
    Tone Wheeler on architectural science and why form must follow forces

    “Form follows forces,” reiterates architect, educator, and Environa Studio founder Tone Wheeler, as he reminisces about the evolution of ‘architectural science’ and the people who made it happen.

    Warning: Architects, ignore design culture at your peril
    Warning: Architects, ignore design culture at your peril

    Australian architect, and design-stalwart-turned-Conrad-Gargett-Principal, Dale Swan laments the lack of design culture in some practices across the country. According to Dale, it’s often what leads promising young architects and designers to exit such studios.

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