Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 221) - Amanda York from Grimshaw on design authenticity & designing specifically for place Listen Now
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    Tone on Tuesday: The declining quality of our buildings
    Tone on Tuesday: The declining quality of our buildings

    Shoddy building construction, particularly in apartments is the topic de jour. How bad is it, who’s to blame and how to fix it? They’re the burning questions

    Converging education typologies & what TAFE and university are learning from each other
    Converging education typologies & what TAFE and university are learning from each other

    As advancements in technology bring about change in the education sector, Architectus principal Ruth Wilson says that building design must also adapt.

    Shh! Don't mention the public housing shortage. But no serious action on homelessness can ignore it
    Shh! Don't mention the public housing shortage. But no serious action on homelessness can ignore it

    Next week the Council to Homeless Persons will convene the Victorian Homelessness Conference to discuss options for ending homelessness. Nowhere is there any mention of, or provision for discussion about, public housing.

    Governments took the hard road on clean energy – and consumers are feeling the bumps
    Governments took the hard road on clean energy – and consumers are feeling the bumps

    Australia is in the midst of a great energy transition. The nation’s entire coal fleet will close over the next few decades, and the government must urgently improve its policy response or electricity consumers will continue to suffer.

    Dams are being built, but they are private: Australia Institute
    Dams are being built, but they are private: Australia Institute

    A report from The Australia Institute rejects government claims new dams are not being built, saying at least 20 to 30 large private dams have been constructed in the Murray-Darling basin in recent years.

    Australia's biggest property companies are making net-zero emissions pledges – now we can track them
    Australia's biggest property companies are making net-zero emissions pledges – now we can track them

    A Net Zero Momentum Tracker initiative has been established by ClimateWorks Australia and the Monash Sustainable Development Institute to track emissions reduction commitments made by major Australian companies and organisations, as well as state and local governments.

    Tone on Tuesday: Shoddy apartments? Blame the banks
    Tone on Tuesday: Shoddy apartments? Blame the banks

    Two controversial reports with wordy titles were released within a month of each other this year: the report from the “Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry” (Feb 2019); and a “Building Confidence Report Implementation Plan” (March 2019). Banks and Building.

    Making our cities more accessible for people with disability is easier than we think
    Making our cities more accessible for people with disability is easier than we think

    You would think a city that each year hosts Australia’s largest conference for people with disability would be the most accessible for all people. Not according to our research which highlights 119 issues that need fixing if Geelong, Victoria, wants to be a model “city for all”.

    How a Minecraft world has built a safe online playground for autistic kids
    How a Minecraft world has built a safe online playground for autistic kids

    For autistic children, online social interactions can be just as fraught as those in the offline world. The community at Autcraft, which is built around a customised version of the popular game Minecraft, has set out to create a safe virtual playground.

    Buried beneath the trees: a plan to solve our shortage of cemetery space
    Buried beneath the trees: a plan to solve our shortage of cemetery space

    There’s a lack of new cemetery space in parts of Australia but we could solve that problem by burying the dead among newly planted vegetation belts near our towns and cities.

    Tone on Tuesday: The climate strike was a waste of energy
    Tone on Tuesday: The climate strike was a waste of energy

    What a wondrous sight in cities across Australia last Friday with protest marches demanding action against climate change.

    Hong Kong is one of the most unequal cities in the world. So why aren't the protesters angry at the rich and powerful?
    Hong Kong is one of the most unequal cities in the world. So why aren't the protesters angry at the rich and powerful?

    There have been many explanations for the turmoil in Hong Kong, but the powerful links between the economic and political elites in the city and the grossly inadequate system of governance they preside over are too often ignored.

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