A new student accommodation building designed to house around 350 students will soon be developed close to the Charles Darwin University (CDU) City Campus in the Darwin CBD.

To be located across the road from the campus, also known as Education and Community Precinct | Danala on a part of the site at 56 Woods Street provided by the Northern Territory Government, the proposed student housing facility is expected to better cater to the needs of the student community at CDU’s City Campus.

“We are thrilled with the government's decision to allocate this valuable land for student accommodation,” Charles Darwin University (CDU) vice-chancellor Scott Bowman said.

"This new accommodation is in such a convenient location to the new campus and everything Darwin city has to offer.

“Creating a safe and supportive living environment has been high on our agenda for more than two years, and we look forward to providing our new students with a safe and supportive living environment.”

Arriving in Australia as an international student can be incredibly daunting, observed Professor Bowman. The new accommodation aims to support students in their transition and ensure they have the adequate housing necessary for success during their university studies.

Northern Territory Chief Minister Eva Lawler said this agreement with CDU will ensure the next generation of Territory workers can stay near where they study, making it easier for them to get the skills they need for their career.

“More students living and studying in the CBD will also deliver a big boost to local businesses and encourage more investment in Darwin,” Lawler said.

Northern Territory Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, and International Education, Joel Bowden said the new accommodation will complement the campus.

“Providing this agreement to Charles Darwin University gives them certainty that there will be land in the Darwin CBD for student accommodation, which will complement the new CDU city campus.

“There are currently more than 5,600 international students studying in the Northern Territory contributing around $169 million each year to the Territory economy. We are aiming to grow that to 10,000 international students by 2030,” Bowden added.

The Education and Community Precinct | Danala is a key part of the Darwin City Deal, bringing together the Australian and Northern Territory Governments and Charles Darwin University to achieve a shared vision for Darwin’s Central Business District.

The Australian Government has contributed $97.3 million to the $250 million campus project, and the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) has provided a $151.5 million loan.

The campus is expected to open later this year.

Image: Supplied