The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) announces a new partnership
with the Australian Supply Chain Sustainability School to advance
sustainability building practices by fast-tracking the industry’s green skills.
Launched in March, the Australian Supply Chain Sustainability School is
an online learning forum based on the successful Supply Chain School currently
operating in the UK. This national initiative is designed to help the
construction sector build critical mass and expand its sustainability knowledge
and skills base.
Supported by a number of industry leaders and funded by the state
governments of New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland, founding industry
partners include DownerTenix; Dulux Group; Infrastructure Sustainability
Council Australia; John Holland; Laing O'Rourke; McConnell Dowell; Mirvac;
Stockland; Net Balance Foundation; and Action Sustainability. GBCA is a
founding partner of the school.
GBCA Chief Operating Officer, Robin Mellon explains that the Green
Building Council of Australia, which has been at the forefront of the industry’s
transformation for more than a decade, understands that an industrywide approach
is required to accelerate the adoption of sustainable building practices.
Mr Mellon added that the nation’s sustainable future rested on the
ability of everyone in the industry to advance their knowledge and skills.
The Australian Supply Chain Sustainability School is freely available to
any supplier in the construction industry, providing resources from e-learning
modules and case studies through to checklists and guides.
Mirvac’s Procurement Manager for Construction and Co-Chair for the
Australian Supply Chain Sustainability School, Roderick Petre comments that the
potential to engage the whole supply chain across the building and
infrastructure sectors will help achieve greater efficiencies, advance sustainable
building practices, and deliver long-term benefits for the industry and the nation.