Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 234) - The advantages of using metal ceilings in transport infrastructure hubs Listen Now
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    Pryda Australia

    Economical and Lightweight Floor and Rafter Truss Systems by Pryda Australia

    Pryda’s licensed truss plants manufacture floor and rafter trusses. The floor trusses are a structural system using flooring material, floor trusses, strong-backs, connections and bracing.

    Pryda floor and rafter trusses have two systems, Pryda Longreach and Pryda Span. Both have timber top and bottom chords. However, the difference is in the webbing. Pryda Longreach uses all timber webs, while Span which uses metal webs for diagonals and timber webs for verticals.

    Pryda Longreach and Span Floor and Rafter Truss Systems
    are computer designed for optimal performance and low material and installation costs
    • Versatile: Up to 8 metres or more offers functional design freedom and eliminates the need for interior support walls and beams
    • Range of widths: Typically 200-450mm and can be custom manufactured
    • Limited space: Accommodates large spans in restricted heights
    • Larger spans at low cost: With all-timber trusses the span capacity increases significantly as the truss depth increases at little extra cost
    • Wide range of end supports: Suit any structural connections including steel beams, waling plates and other framing connections
    • Extra stiffness in floors: Established dynamic limits to ensure rigidity and to overcome springiness and bounce
    • Accommodates large ducts: Ducts to 500mm wide can fit within the standard design, special duct routing within rows of trusses can be arranged

    Floor and Rafter Trusses re-fabricated to to fit prior to installation

    • Accessible: Ducting, electrical wiring and electronic data cabling can be run between the truss webs
    • Strategically built: Plumbing, ventilation ducts and conduits can be attached to webs without cutting or drilling holes
    • Stable: Wide chord flanges are more stable for tradesmen moving around elevated areas
    • Lightweight: Lighter than solid timber sections, easy to handle and lift on site
    Pryda Floor and Rafter Truss Systems are also designed for use in a range of building projects including offices, schools and hospitals.
    Contact Pryda Australia
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