This entrancing tessellation 'Balmain' is an original Victorian geometric floor design, reimagined to suit a contemporary setting. A special tessellated pattern is one that demonstrates a unique structure, often involving complex geometries or innovative arrangements that stand out from standard tessellations.

Balmain tessellated pattern

Balmain is renowned for its imaginative tessellated design, which incorporates a complex transformation and optical illusion. This pattern is fascinating because it creates recognisable shapes while maintaining seamless tessellation.

Balmain tessellated pattern

This mood board is curated to inspire and guide you in exploring the endless possibilities of tessellated tiles. Whether you're designing a cosy residential space or a cutting-edge commercial environment, Balmain tessellated pattern offers a unique way to infuse personality, texture and visual intrigue into your spaces.


As a tile supplier, Tessellated Tile Factory offers opportunities for customisation and personalisation. By choosing a unique colour palette, designers can create a distinctive colour pattern tailored to a specific space or style. Tessellated patterns captivate the imagination and enrich the sensory experience in diverse contexts. By exploring the interplay of symmetry, colour, texture and context, designers can create tessellated designs such as Balmain that resonate with meaning, beauty, and creativity.

Balmain tessellated pattern