‘Biophilia’ refers to the innate human connection with nature. Biophilic interior design aims to bring elements of the natural world into indoor spaces, fostering a sense of wellbeing, connection, and vitality.

This design approach recognises that humans have evolved in natural environments and have an inherent need to be in contact with nature for physical and mental health. Biophilia isn’t limited to the indoors – it extends to the outdoor environment as well. Biophilic exterior design aims to create outdoor spaces that foster a deep connection with nature, promoting wellbeing, relaxation, and environmental stewardship. Just as in interior design, the principles of biophilia emphasise incorporating natural elements and patterns into outdoor spaces to create a harmonious and enriching environment.

Tessellated tiles, with their repeating geometric patterns, can be effectively incorporated into biophilic designs to evoke elements of nature and create visually stimulating outdoor spaces. Tessellated tiles made of naturally occurring materials, along with their patterns and arrangement can mimic natural forms and patterns found in the environment, contributing to a biophilic aesthetic.

Humans need to recharge and find ways to connect with nature. TTF’s biophilia collection is a curated tessellated collection inspired by nature, bringing neutral colours and ways to promote wellness and nature. The biophilia collection is an exploration into the principles of the natural world and how natural geometric patterns can occur, involving colour and pattern to reflect nature.

Biophilia collection

In biophilic exterior and interior design, architects, landscape architects, urban planners and interior designers integrate natural features such as vegetation, water elements, and natural materials into the built environment. They design spaces that offer opportunities for exploration, sensory engagement, and connection with the surrounding ecosystem. Other elements such as natural light, views of nature, plants and water features create spaces that evoke a sense of being outdoors. These design choices not only enhance the aesthetics of a space but also have tangible benefits for occupants, including improved mood, productivity and cognitive function.

By implementing biophilic design principles with tessellated tiles, you can create stunning spaces that seamlessly blend natural elements with architectural features. Tessellated tiles evoke a timeless elegance. Tessellated tile patterns with principles of biophilic design bring elements of nature into interior spaces. Biophilia, which emphasises connecting people to nature, can be effectively integrated with tessellated tiles in several ways to create visually captivating and nature-inspired spaces.

Biophilia collection

Here are several ways tessellated tiles can be integrated into biophilic designs:

Biophilic patterns and layouts

Experiment with tessellated tile patterns that mimic natural elements such as leaves, flowers or waves. These patterns can evoke a sense of the natural world, even in urban or built environments. The designs can be used to create feature walls, floors, decorative panels, or mosaic designs in outdoor seating areas or garden walls. Create layouts that mimic natural patterns and arrangements found in the environment. Consider irregular patterns, organic shapes, or random arrangements to create a sense of natural diversity and complexity. These patterns echo the structures found in nature, reinforcing the principles of biophilic design.

Natural biophilic colours

Select tessellated tiles in earthy tones, greens, blues and neutrals to evoke the colours of the natural world. These colours create a calming and soothing atmosphere while enhancing the biophilic qualities of the space.

Biophilia collection

Incorporate greenery

Combine tessellated tiles with indoor plants or vertical gardens to create a seamless connection with nature. Incorporate tessellated tile patterns featuring lead and floral motifs to introduce elements of nature into interior design. These motifs can be used in flooring, splashbacks, or accent walls to create visual interest and enhance the biophilic appeal of the space.

Water features

Incorporate tessellated tiles into water features, such as fountains, pools, or ponds to add visual interest and enhance the soothing qualities of flowing water. The reflective surfaces of the tiles can create a dynamic interaction with water and light, producing a serene and harmonious outdoor environment.

Biophilia collection

Natural materials – Adaptability and sustainability

Choose tessellated tiles made from natural materials such as fully vitrified porcelain, ceramic, stone, or terracotta to further enhance the biophilic qualities of the design. These materials add texture, warmth and authenticity to the space while promoting a connection with nature. Design biophilic tessellated tile installations that are adaptable and sustainable, allowing for flexibility and longevity in the design. Choose durable materials, eco-friendly manufacturing process, and low-maintenance finishes to create a sustainable and biophilic interior environment.

Indoor and outdoor pathways

Use tessellated tiles to create pathways that lead through to biophilic spaces, such as outdoor gardens or landscapes. These pathways can guide occupants through indoor gardens, outdoor courtyards, or transitional areas where the natural and built environments meet. Choose earthy tones and organic patterns inspired by nature to enhance the biophilic feel.

Biophilia collection

Roof terrace or balcony

Transform a rooftop terrace or balcony into a green oasis with tessellated tile flooring. Add built-in seating, planters and trellises to create a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor spaces, blurring the boundaries between the built environment and nature.

Flooring with natural textures

Use tessellated tiles for flooring to add texture and visual complexity. This flooring can be complemented with natural materials such as wood or stone, creating a seamless transition between different biophilic elements.

Natural light and views

Maximise access to natural light and views of nature in spaces featuring tessellated tiles. Position windows, skylights, or glass doors strategically to bring daylight inside and provide glimpses of the outdoor environment. Natural light not only reduces the need for artificial lighting but also enhances mood, productivity and circadian rhythms.

By incorporating these biophilic elements into tessellated tile designs, designers can create interior spaces that foster a deeper connection with nature, promote health and wellbeing, and enhance the overall quality of life for occupants.

Biophilia Collection



Tessellated pattern ‘Chelsea’ creates a stunning design with an intricate star feature in this design set within a grid formation. Shown here with a double strip Norwood border. The colours selected are green, red, oatmeal and white with an encaustic floral decorative tile in the centre of the star. To add a more natural design a bluestone step tread is applied as a finish creating an eclectic bold biophilic design.

Octagon and Dot

Octagon and Dot

Tessellated pattern octagon and dot is a classic design featuring shapes such as octagons, squares and triangles. This pattern is seen in beehives and other natural patterns. The biophilic colour palette is pistachio, white and grey shown with a double strip Richmond border. To add detail to this design, a marble step tread is applied to include natural stone.



Tessellated pattern ‘Pomeray’ is a mesmerising design where the play of octagon and dot in different colours is arranged in a grid-like matter with a square dot to create this pattern. Seen here with a Wordsworth border in natural earthy colours such as salmon, off white, pistachio and vanilla. To add an extra natural touch, a marble step tread is included to keep the design biophilic.



Tessellated pattern ‘Fitzroy’ is a beautiful tessellation as this pattern comes as a repetition of the main star in different proportions. A simple idea controlled and organised by a grid to create a dynamic result. Shown here with a Norwood border in colours pistachio, white, light blue, blue and an added floral encaustic to the centre to create an inspiring coastal design. Included is a marble step tread to add that extra natural touch.

Octagon and Dot

Octagon and Dot

Tessellated pattern octagon and dot is an entrancing design with the use of octagons and squares to create this naturally occurring pattern. Shown here with a Norwood border in coastal colours such as light blue, off white, and blue to represent waves. Included is a marble step tread to enhance the biophilic design.



Tessellated pattern ‘Glasgow’ is a perfect design viewed here in earthy colour tones such as aqua, white, green and salmon, and adorned with a floral encaustic to complete the design. Shown with a Norwood border and a marble step tread. This tessellated pattern evokes the richness of forest green and water ripples bringing nature into your designs.