Tessellated pathways involve creating a pattern that covers a surface without any gaps or overlaps, often using geometric shapes. Whether it's for a garden path, a walkway or a larger area, there are so many factors to consider in the planning process.

Designing a pathway involves several considerations, including functionality, aesthetics, materials, and the surrounding environment. When designing your pathway with tessellated tiles, you will need to consider tessellated shapes such as squares, rectangles, triangles, hexagons and other polygons. Ultimately, it’s about the pattern selected as there are intricate complex geometry or simple pattern designs. It is during this stage that you need to assess the area you are working with to best allocate a pattern that would visually complement the surroundings of your project.

Tessellating your pathways can add a visually appealing and practical element to your outdoor spaces. By carefully planning your design, selecting appropriate materials, and executing the layout with precision, you can create a stunning tessellated pathway that enhances your garden or walkway.

Tessellated pathway

This project in Haberfield required tessellated tiling installed on an S-bend pathway leading up to the entrance of the home. Selecting the appropriate pattern for an S-bend pathway is critical to ensure the geometry of the pattern isn’t compromised.

Laying tessellated tiles requires craftsmanship and a deep understanding of geometric floor designs. Tessellated Tile Factory leads the industry in the installation of these tiles, and projects like these are a testament to our craftsmanship and artisan skill.